
Your satisfaction is important to us!

If our products do not meet your expectations please use the form below to register a complaint. You are also welcome to contact us by e-mail at

Thank you! Customer service, Polarbröd.

Vänligen fyll i alla obligatoriska fält.

Thanks! We have now received your information and will get back to you as soon as we can, within 10 working days at the latest.

  • In order to guarantee the quality of our ingredients and products, we have a traceability system that enables us to trace the relevant product all the way from raw ingredient to shop. So please look for the LOT code, as it is known, stamped on your bag (see picture) and enter the code in the relevant field.

  • Choose files

  • In order to deal with your case, we need to store your personal data (name, address, e-mail address, telephone number). Your personal data will be stored digitally and only necessary persons will have access to it. Your data will be stored while we process your case and will subsequently be deleted. Providing personal data is voluntary, but we need it to enable us to deal with your case. You are entitled to withdraw your consent (right to be forgotten). You are also entitled to access your personal data, to have it corrected and to restrict or object to processing.