Welcome to Polarbröd and our facilities in Älvsbyn

Contact us

Tel: +4610 450 60 00 Mon-thu: 8.00-15.30 Fri: 8.00-14.00
Email: info@polarbrod.se

Work with us

Find open positions and submit your job application Jobba här >>

Delivery and collection of goods and packages

For loading and unloading of large parcels : +4610 450 60 84
Delivery of smaller packages : Smaller packages can be dropped in the blue building, placed to the left of the Head Office. Open 08.00-15.00 Monday to Friday.

Our facilities in Älvsbyn

The bakery
In 2022, the new bakery in Älvsbyn was inaugurated. Due to hygienic reasons, our bakery is closed to visitors.

Head Office:
At our Head Office in Älvsbyn you find around 30 persons from different parts of our organisation, such as finances, HR and sales.

Our museum, open during summer
During summer vi open up our museum Bagerimuséet. Enjoy a swedish fika or make a reservation to bake your own bread.

In Smörgåshuset we produce our Sandwiches, including our Polarklämmor. You find Smörgåshuset at Förrådsgatan 2.

Polarrenen, real estates
Polarrenen is Polarbröds real estate company, it’s located at Förrådsgatan 2.
Contact: 010 450 61 02